Alpamare Ticket




You have just logged on to the website of the company SDS Alpamare Aquaparc.

You must carefully read the following provisions as they constitute a contract establishing the general conditions of the products and services of the electronic catalog (or shop) of the company SDS Alpamare Aquaparc.

The “click” you make after completing your order form constitutes validation of your order and will be an irrevocable acceptance of these general conditions.

Consequently, you can only order products or services if you accept the conditions set out below.

  1. Preamble

The following general terms and conditions govern all transactions established on the web catalog of SDS Alpamare Aquaparc. Any order placed on this site implies the unconditional and irrevocable acceptance by the customer of these conditions.

  1. Object

This contract is a distance contract which aims to define the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of the sale of products by the company SDS Alpamare Aquaparc, on the Internet, through the e-platform. is a service and a trademark registered by SDS Alpamare Aquaparc S.A.

  1. Definitions

In the following contract, each of the expressions mentioned above shall be understood in accordance with its definition, namely: · “Distance contract”: any contract concerning goods or services between the company SDS Alpamare Aquaparc and a Consumer within the framework of a system of distance selling or provision of services organized by the company SDS Alpamare Aquaparc which, for this contract, uses exclusively the Internet network up to the conclusion of the contract, including the conclusion of the contract itself. · “Consumer”: any natural person who, in this contract, acts for purposes that do not fall within the scope of his professional activity. · “Order form”: document indicating the characteristics of the Products ordered by the Consumer and which must be signed by him by “double click” to bind him. · “Order”: act by which the Consumer undertakes to purchase Products and the company SDS Alpamare Aquaparc to deliver them.

      4. Product

All products presented in the catalog are marketed until stocks are exhausted.

The company SDS Alpamare Aquaparc reserves the right to withdraw an item from the catalog, and this without notice; it cannot in any case be required to compensate or cancel an order following the impossibility of using the purchased product for a reason of incompatibility with the equipment already owned by the buyer.

  1. Placing an order

After finding the product(s) of interest, click on the “order” button, the product is then added to your order form. You can modify your order form at any time, and you can return to the catalog by pressing “continue shopping.”

When you have finished your purchases, validate your order by clicking on the “pay” button.

In case of an error on your part, when entering your details on the order form, we advise you to send us a cancellation request by email within 24 hours; After cancellation of the order by SDS Alpamare Aquaparc, you can reorder.

  1. Price

The prices mentioned in the catalog are indicated in Moroccan dirhams excluding tax, are valid at the time of consultation by the customer, and are those in force at the time of the order.

VAT is calculated in the order form according to the applicable rate on the day of the order. The order form and transactions are in Moroccan DH.

Any change in the rate will be automatically reflected in the price of the products.

  1. Order execution

The order will be executed no later than within 7 days from the day following the day the Consumer placed the order.

In case of unavailability of the ordered Product, the Consumer will be informed as soon as possible and will have the option to cancel his order.

He will then have the choice to either request a refund of the amounts paid within thirty days at the latest from their payment, or exchange the Product.

  1. Delivery

Delivery is not provided by SDS Alpamare Aquaparc; the customer will collect his merchandise at the delivery address indicated on his Order form.

Tickets are delivered to the email address indicated by the Consumer on the Order form.

The Consumer may, upon request, obtain the sending of an invoice to the delivery address by validating the option provided for this purpose on the Order form.

  1. Payment method

To pay for your order, you choose the payment method among those offered by SDS Alpamare Aquaparc on the payment page.

In this case, the transaction for debiting your account is carried out on the day following the date of delivery confirmation.

Your Multi-channel payments are secured by the Interbank Monetary Center (CMI) which offers a fully secure payment service.

The Consumer guarantees the company SDS Alpamare Aquaparc that he has the necessary authorizations to use the payment method chosen by him when validating the Order form.

In case of payment by credit card, the provisions relating to fraudulent use of the means of payment provided for in the agreements concluded between the Consumer and the issuer of the card between the company SDS Alpamare Aquaparc and its bank apply.

  1. Data confidentiality

The information requested from you is necessary for the processing of your order and is treated confidentially. You have a right of rectification concerning the data concerning you. You may receive advertisements from SDS Alpamare Aquaparc unless you have stated that you refuse the use of your personal data for these purposes.

  1. Canceling an order paid by credit card

Entry tickets are not subject to a right of withdrawal.

A ticket cannot be refunded even in case of loss or theft, nor returned or exchanged except in case of cancellation. In case of cancellation or closure of the Park, only the price of the ticket will be refunded. This refund will only be made in favor of the original purchaser upon presentation of the ticket.

No duplicate ticket will be issued even in case of loss or theft.

During the check at the entrance of the event venue, a valid identity document with photo may be requested and it must correspond to the name on the ticket.

  1. Proof of transactions paid by credit card

The data recorded by the CMI on the Multi-channel payment platform on behalf of SDS Alpamare Aquaparc constitute proof of all commercial transactions between you and the company SDS Alpamare Aquaparc.

  1. Force majeure

SDS Alpamare Aquaparc is only bound to fulfill its obligations to the extent that no event of force majeure hinders them.